Genogram Maker For Mac

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How to use my passport for mac on pc. Connect your Western Digital My Passport drive to Mac computer, and let the OS detect and mount the drive for use. Now, a new hard drive icon will appear on the desktop. On macOS Dock, select Finder. May 19, 2014  Whether you're using a My Passport, My Book or even My Cloud, WD recommends using Apple's Time Machine back up software. In this video, Matthew will take us through how to get Time Machine setup. Aug 25, 2015  I assume that this is about a Western Digital usb drive called 'My Passport'. Format the My Passport drive to OSX Extended format. Next you can use it in Finder as a drive to copy data to. You could also use it for Time Machine automatic backups.

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  1. Genogram Generator For Mac
SDL Diagrams
Data Flow Diagram
Family Tree
Seating Chart
Cause and Effect
Genograms are amongst the youngest members of the diagramming family, with a starting use in 1985. Although they are used to describe families and blood relatives connections, genograms greatly differ in look and purpose from the family tree diagrams. The main task of genograms is to visualize the relationships between the members within a family on a very deep level, as well as the genetical deseases which may be transferred from/to a family member.

Types of genograms

Despite that genograms are not strictly categorized on different types, most of them contain three layers. The first layer describes the basic information related to the people in the family - marriage, divorce, children, etc. The second layer usually contains information on deseases such as heart condition, diabetes, etc. The third layer adds additional clarity of the emotional bonds and relationships, including who was in love with whom, who is obsessed by someone else, who is abusive menthally and/or physically, etc. While in some genograms all layers co-exist, sometimes diagrams are drawn separately for each of the above mentioned purposes. Let's look at them in further detail.

Basic genograms

The most basic layer of the genogram contains the family members and the way each person is related to the rest. Unlike family trees, however, genograms contain additional information including the way people are related. This is done by specific symbols and connectors, telling the viewer if a child was miscarried, if there was an abortion, if there are twins, if someone is adopted, etc. The connector lines and shapes can also tell who is living and who has passed away, if people are married or simply living together and more. Here are some examples of the shapes and their meanings:

All Basic Shapes

Health information genograms

Genograms with health information are often drawn to serve as a starting point for diagnosing a desease or even for predicting a possible illness which a child may inherit genetically. They are often used by psychologists, psychiatrists, and physicians. The predefined symbols of genograms contain basic information whether a member of the family has a physical or mental illness, or even if there is a suspicion of a drug or alcohol abuse. If needed, the creator of the diagram can add additional, custom-made shapes which contain more specific information and describe them in a legend. Common custom shapes are ones, defining heart conditions, diabetes, and others.

All Health Shapes

Relationship genograms

The relationships layer of genograms is usually added to give more in-depth information of the relationships between different family members. It can help a therapist learn a lot about a family and see behavioral patters, their origin and spread amongst the members, as well as predict problems which may occur in future.

All Relationship Shapes


To get a complete idea of a genogram, you can have a look at this example below.

  • GenoPro 2019 under CrossOver behaves mostly like a native Mac app. CrossOver Mac makes it easy to launch GenoPro natively from the dock, and integrates MacOS functionality like cross-platform copy & paste and shared file systems to Geno Pro.
  • GenoProX Health. We want Genograms and Genealogy to go beyond therapy into mainstream Health. GenoProX Health is a subscription based software tailored for the medical community. Doctors will be able to view the Health Journal of any patient who authorizes it through GenoPro, as well as access the family health history and genograms.
  • Genogram-Maker Millennium for Mac may demonstrate performance problems when run on MacOS Sierra 10.12 or later. For this reason, Genoware has ceased sale of Genogram-Maker Millennium for Mac. Our Mac customers are important to us and we remain committed to providing assistance to our many Mac users.

Genogram Generator For Mac

Check out the Genogram Analytics videos on YouTube. Genogram video. Ecomap video. New Release 8.5 for genograms and ecomaps! Now with direct jpeg creation, print scaling and multipage printing, child movement for foster, adoption, and returning children make this application essential for social workers, agencies, counselors, and educators.